2025 Summer Camps

Click here to register for camps!

Little Explorers (Ages 3 to 8)

One Day Camps (9am-12pm):

June 6: Let’s Get Messy! Day #1 - Campers get the chance to make a mess with a variety of mediums. Splat paintings, puffy paint, bubbles and more!

June 16: Splash Water Day #1 - This day is all about water! Sponge relays, wet snow balls, reusable water balloons, and squirt bottles. 

June 23: Creek Day - Campers get wet and explore the creek while learning about invertebrates and ecosystems.

June 24: Nature Crafts Day #1 - Inspired by nature and the critters around us, campers can choose from several craft activities. 

July 7: Nature Games #1 - On this day we will engage in fun games like I spy, scavenger hunts, and follow the leader! Children will get lots of running and gross motor play, and we will also have obstacle courses.

July 14: Nature Crafts Day #2 - Please see above.

July 21: Splash Water Day #2- Please see above. 

August 8: Let's Get Messy! Day #2- Please see above.

August 11: Nature Games #2- Please see above.

Three Day Camp (9am-12pm):

June 10-12: All About Animals - Reptiles, Mammals and Birds are the focus of this camp including visits from live animals!

June 17-19: Little Explorers- Campers get an in-depth look at the ecosystems of the nature center. We will hike and explore the creek, the insect world, plants, trees, dirt, and rocks.

July 22-24: All About Animals #2- Please see above. If space is available, this camp can be repeated.

Big Explorers (Ages 8 to 12) 

One Day Camps (9am-12pm):

June 20: Creek Exploration 1- Campers get wet and in the creek. We will conduct biological surveys and dive a bit into other data collection like chemical tests and water flow measurements.

July 11: Let’s Get Messy! Day - Campers get the chance to make a mess with a variety of mediums. Splat paintings, puffy paint, bubbles and more!

July 18: Creek Exploration 2- Please see above. If space is available, this camp can be repeated.

Three Day Camps (9am-12pm):

July 8-10: Beginner Survival Camp- Learn all the essentials of staying alive! Fire starting, water filtration, first aid, and wilderness emergencies. 

July 15-17: Advanced Survival Camp- Campers must have attended beginner Survival camp to register for advanced. We will take a more in depth look at survival tactics in the wilderness.

August 5-7: Art of Nature Craft Camp- In this camp, kids will make nature journals and collages. They will explore cyanotype printing, gel prints, plaster prints and more! 

August 12-14: All About Animals- Reptiles, Mammals and Birds! This camp is full of live animal visits and learning all about our wild neighbors!